
Please come and join us on Wednesday evenings

The children’s ministry “Kidz Rock” (for Kindergarten  thru 6th grade), is meeting on Wednesday evenings again. A light meal is served at 6:00, before the activities begin. 

The Youth ministry,  “Refuge” (for 7th Grade and up), meets every Wednesday evening at 6:15 in the youth building.

Adult bible study meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the auditorium.


Join us on Facebook or YouTube

Facebook page is Hiwasse First Baptist Church.  Our YouTube page is FBC Hiwasse. We live stream our services there, so if you can’t make it in person, you can always join us there on Facebook.


Sunday Night’s

Join us for Sunday Night service at 6:00 p.m. Hope to see you there.


We are starting a new ministry here at the church. Any parents who have children 5-17 who are interested in their children involved in American Heritage Girls or Trail Life should contact Ray Taggart at (808)796-0796 with questions.